Global Warming A Hoax? - Google Search
1. Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?"Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide, Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?, science."
2. Certainty of Catastrophic Global Warming is a Hoax by James K ..."Yes, the Earth's surface has warmed a bit over the past century, but is that warming caused mainly by humans or by natural cycles?"
3. Powerful Documentary Trounces Man-Made Warming Hoax"Powerful Documentary Trounces Man-Made Warming Hoax ... The Great Global Warming Swindle brought together a plethora of scientists, professors, ..."
4. Global Warming Is Greatest Hoax Ever -- America's Future -- Week ..."DeWeese calls global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of the world, bar none. Those who have been fighting against the green agenda ..."
5. NPR : Three Views on Global Warming"James Inhofe [R-OK] led the opposition, and went so far as to call global warming a hoax. He based that statement, in part, on the work of John Christy, ..."
6. Global Warming Hoax: News"Global Warming Hoax - News and Information Source regarding the myth of Global Warming. Concentrating on the insignificance of man in the warming equation."
7. Global Warming - Is Global Warming a Hoax?"Some people, although not many, claim that global warming is a hoax. The widespread consensus among scientists, politicians and business leaders worldwide ..."
8. Is Global Warming a Hoax?"Is Global Warming a Hoax?, Environmental Issues, As crazy as it may seem, some people think global warming is a hoax perpetrated."
9. ESR | June 9, 2003 | Revisiting the global warming hoax"The entire global warming hoax is based on computer models and they are designed to produce the kind of data that supports the claims by environmentalists ..."
10. YouTube - Another Global Warming Hoax exposed"Another Global Warming Hoax exposed. ... Add Video to QuickList. Inhofe Calls Global Warming a Hoax 01:48. From: MRDTALK Views: 4889 ..."
11. YouTube - The Great Global Warming Swindle 1 of 9 (intro)"I've just posted a video called "Global Warming: An Uncertain Science." Check it out! ... Another Global Warming Hoax exposed 02:54. From: strangenation ..."
12. Global Warming A Hoax? »"I do believe that the Global warming is real, it not a hoax because I can feel the difference in the climatic change that is taking place in every county, ..."
13. The Global Warming Hoax »"Science – A large majority of genuine scientists believe that catastrophic man-made global warming is a hoax. Al Gore, media elites and a few United Nations ..."
14. Senate Rejects Global Warming Bill - CBS News"Inhofe has called global warming a hoax perpetrated by environmentalists on the American public. Proponents say addressing global warming will in the long ..."
15. Warmed Over, American Prospect: Sen. James Inhofe's Science Abuse ..."Not content with calling the notion of human-caused global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people" (as he did in a July 2003 ..."
16. The Global Warming Hoax"The Global Warming Hoax By Alan Caruba National Anxiety Center | June 23, 2005. On June 13, USA Today declared, "The Debate's Over: Globe Is Warming. ..."
17. FrontPage :: The Global Warming Hoax by Alan Caruba"Global warming is a classic scare campaign initiated by the Greens after a previous effort in the 1970s to influence public policy by declaring a coming Ice ..."
18. The Denver Post - Chill out over global warming""Starting with the nuclear winter and now with the global warming. This scare will also run its course. In 15-20 years, we'll look back and see what a hoax ..."
19. APC: United Nations > Articles > There is No Global Warming"Global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the people of the ... The sole argument for this treaty is that Global Warming is a fact and we must ..."
20. Keyword"NASA Administrator Michael Griffin Not Sure That Global Warming Is A ... GRIFFIN: I have no doubt that global -- that a trend of global warming exists. ..."
21. THE GREAT GLOBAL WARMING HOAX"To: *Global Warming Hoax; *Globaloney. -. 27 posted on 04/30/2004 6:02:13 PM PDT by Coleus (Roe v. Wade and Endangered Species Act both passed in 1973, ..."
22. Think Progress » Inhofe: Don’t Worry About Global Warming Because ..."While Global Warming may be a hoax, the Wrath of God at unfaithful ...... Pingback by Southern Kentucky Skeptics » Blog Archive » Is Global Warming A Hoax? ..."
23. Think Progress » Sen. Inhofe Compares People Who Believe In Global ..."Jim Inhofe (R-OK) declared that global warming is the greatest hoax ever ...... #288: In what way is global warming a hoax? Are you suggesting that the 2500 ..."
24. James M. Inhofe - U.S. Senator - Oklahoma"I called the threat of catastrophic global warming the "greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people," a statement that, to put it mildly, ..."
25. James M. Inhofe - U.S. Senator - Oklahoma"Over the past 2 hours, I have offered compelling evidence that catastrophic global warming is a hoax. That conclusion is supported by the painstaking work ..."
26. Media Promote Global Warming Fraud - February 5, 2007"But on the matter of global intervention to stop global warming, there seems to be no need for scientific evidence to justify what is shaping up as a global ..."
27. Napa Valley Register | Global warming is a hoax"This whole global warming thing is a hoax. French President Jacques Chirac has let the cat out of the bag. He warned that if the United States did not sign ..."
28. 'Global warming is a hoax' | Gristmill: The environmental news ..."Objection: Global warming is a hoax perpetrated by environmental extremists and liberals who want an excuse for more big government (and/or world government ..."
29. Gristmill: The environmental news blog | Grist"Global warming is a hoax · Kyoto is a big effort for almost nothing · Why should the U.S. join Kyoto when China and India haven't? ..."
30. Real inconvenient truths |"Our failed political dynasties, Pelosi's stylish appeal and George W. Bush as Queen Victoria. Plus: The hot air about global warming."
31. Holocaust Or Hoax? - The Global Warming Debate Heats Up"If some anti-globalists conclude that global warming is just a big hoax by the globalists, and decide that we don't need to act to stop global warming, ..."
32. Political Dishonesty » Blog Archive » More Evidence Against Global ..."Add 'More Evidence Against Global Warming Hoax, Mars Data' to Del.icio · Add 'More Evidence Against Global Warming Hoax, Mars Data' to digg · Add 'More ..."
33. Good news, Mr. Gore, the Apocalypse has been postponed - Man Made ..."HOAX: Implementation of Kyoto Accord/Protocol · Interest in Kyoto Cools ... Here Comes the Sun to Further Cloud Global Warming Theory ..."
34. global-warming-hoax « Tag Feed"Most people in developed countries understand that global warming is not a hoax. Global warming is real. Children tell me ..."
35. Global Warning Hoax «"Featured Blog The Global Warming Hoax ... Oxfam to U.S.: Pay Half of Global Warming Tab Coping with the ravages of global warming will cost $50 billion a ..."
36. Oil Lobbyist's "News" Denies Inconvenient Truths - Center for ..."In June 2006, he told the Denver Post that global warming is a "hoax," something that "they've been brainwashing us [about] for 20 years." ..."
37. Global Warming Called 'Hoax' By Senator - Center for Media and ..."Global Warming Called 'Hoax' By Senator. Topics: global warming. Source: New York Times, September 24, 2003. George W. Bush's White House has been charged ..."
38. Weekly humor & satire :: FAQ On The Global Warming Hoax"When did the global warming hoax come about? In the late 1970s, Greenpeace had convinced the world to stop hunting whales. Having lost the single issue that ..."
39. Moonbattery: Newsweek Acknowledges Cracks in Global Warming Hoax"You know the global warming hoax is running out of gas when even knee-jerk liberal Newsweek admits that not everyone is on board with the hysterical ..."
40. Moonbattery: Global Warming Hoax Versus Recreation"Global Warming Hoax Versus Recreation. Enjoy yourself while you can this Memorial Day weekend — because if envirowackos have their way, outdoor recreation ..."
41. Global Warming: The Hottest Hoax Around!"Global Warming: The Hottest Hoax Around! Cartoon by Mark Fiore | August 17, 2006. This cartoon requires Macromedia's Flash Player. ..."
42. Some Like It Hot"In a folksy summation, Inhofe again called the notion that humans are causing global warming “a hoax,” and said that those who believe otherwise are ..."
43. The Tempest -"Which is this: Global warming is a hoax. "I am of the opinion that this is one of the greatest hoaxes ever perpetrated on the American people," he says when ..."
44. Dana Milbank - Some Heated Words for Mr. Global Warming ..."the committee's ranking Republican and the man who has called man-made global warming "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people." ..."
45. Ocean_Warming"Global warming is a hoax. 5 Jun 06 — William Gray, professor emeritus, works in the atmospheric science department of Colorado State University. ..."
46. A Few Things Ill Considered: Global Warming is Just a Hoax"Global Warming is just a hoax perpetrated by environmental extremists and liberals who want an excuse for more big government. ..."
47. Australian TV Exposes 'Stranded Polar Bear' Global Warming Hoax ..."Australian TV Exposes 'Stranded Polar Bear' Global Warming Hoax. Posted by Noel Sheppard on April 6, 2007 - 12:05. Remember that wonderful picture of ..."
48. Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1500 Years: Books ..."Mrs. Avery and Singer provide an excellent readable and well documented book on the global warming hoax. The reader can only conclude that this book is an ..."
49. Bad Science, Bad Fiction (Doubt and About)"In Crichton's fictional universe, however, global warming concerns are all made up. ... They raise obvious questions about the validity of global warming. ..."
50. Information Resources On Global Warming"Testimony/Speeches:. Global Warming: The Anatomy of a Debate by Jerry Taylor ... Global Warming: The Origin and Nature of the Alleged Scientific Consensus ..."
51. Global warming called 'hoax' Tire Business - Find Articles"Global warming called hoax from Tire Business in Automotive provided by LookSmart Find Articles."
52. Global warming called 'hoax'.(News)(Brief Article) Waste News ..."Global warming called hoax.(News)(Brief Article) from Waste News in Business & Finance provided by LookSmart Find Articles."
53. Global warming conspiracy theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"Critics of claims that scientists and others concerned with global warming are promoting a fraud or hoax have commonly used the term "conspiracy theory" to ..."
54. Jim Inhofe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"In a July 28, 2003 Senate speech, Inhofe claimed to offer "compelling evidence that catastrophic global warming is a hoax. That conclusion is supported by ..."
55. News Hounds: Senator James "Global Warming Is Hoax" Inhofe (R-OK ..."Senator James "Global Warming Is Hoax" Inhofe (R-OK) Seems to Think He's Working for FOX News. Reported by Marie Therese - November 20, 2006 - ..."
56. Bush's Chat With Novelist Alarms Environmentalists - New York Times"Mr. Barnes, who describes Mr. Bush as "a dissenter on the theory of global warming," writes that the president "avidly read" the novel and met the author ..."
57. Science Panel Calls Global Warming ‘Unequivocal’ - New York Times"In its fourth assessment of global warming, released Friday, ... the Oklahoma Republican who has called the idea of dangerous human-driven warming a hoax, ..."
58. The Epoch Times | Global Warming or Global Hoax?"Now we have a new crisis—man-made global warming. If a scientist dares to question this theory of man-made CO2 causing a coming world disaster, ..."
59. Carbon Trade Swindle Behind Gore Hoax"Look behind—if you dare—Al Gore and his science hoax, and you find the very ..... 14 in Washington on global warming, making the pitch that underdeveloped ..."
60. Six Sentences: Nor is Global Warming a Hoax"Nor is Global Warming a Hoax. by Rebecca Jane A recent study conducted by The Center for Humane Conduct Toward Your Fellow Man published its findings: 20% ..."
61. Is Global Warming A Hoax?"Is Global Warming A Hoax? Vernon Coleman. Those who oppose the theories behind global warming argue that the earth is warming up partly because of climatic ..."
62. American Thinker: Man-made Global Warming - So What If It's a Hoax?"Man-made Global Warming - So What If It's a Hoax? By Geoffrey P. Hunt. A small forest of pulpwood has been clear-cut and thousands of keystrokes have been ..."
63. Senator gives global warming alarm a final cold shoulder / GOP's ..."One of the few light moments came as Deming said he believes global warming is not -- as Inhofe has claimed -- a hoax, but instead "a mass delusion." ..."
64. Metroblogging DC: Global Warming Hoax Rally"hotair If you are in the Inhofe camp (global warming is "the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people") and perhaps enjoy reading the ..."
65. expose the global warming hoax on 43 Things"In my opinion though, it is completely natural for anything going against the global warming theory to be attacked, and even if a few things can be debated, ..."
66. THE GLOBAL WARMING HOAX"Global warming is nothing more than just another hoax, just like Y2K and the global freezing claims in the 1960's and 70's were. Global warming is being ..."
67. - House Speaker Pelosi Departs to Europe on Global ..."James Inhofe, who has called global warming a hoax. Pelosi acknowledged that some in Congress and the administration see climate change as a hopeless cause ..."
68. Joplin Independent:Is global warming a hoax?,2933,275692,00.html"Is global warming a hoax? by: scasey. Updated: 2007-03-21 14:33:00-06. Less than a decade ago, we were being deluged with unending reports on the coming ..."
69. Talk To Action | Reclaiming Citizenship, History, and Faith"US Senator Inhofe Claims Global Warming is a UN Conspiracy ... alleging that Global Warming is a hoax tied to a United Nations conspiracy. ..."
70. Context of 'July 28, 2003: Senator Calls Global Warming ‘Greatest ..."It contains events related to the event July 28, 2003: Senator Calls Global Warming ‘Greatest Hoax Ever Perpetrated on the American People’. ..."
71. global warming hoax Resources on TechRepublic"White papers, case studies, technical articles, and blog posts relating to global warming hoax."
72. Debate over global warming is shifting - The Boston Globe"Senator James M. Inhofe , the Oklahoma Republican who famously declared global warming a "hoax," said this week that the skeptics were gaining momentum. ..."
73. United Press International - NewsTrack - Science - Danish ..."COPENHAGEN, Denmark, March 15 (UPI) -- A Danish scientist said the idea of a "global temperature" and global warming is more political than scientific. ..."
74. Pelosi Holds Global Warming Talks"James Inhofe, R-Okla., who has called global warming a hoax. Pelosi acknowledged that some in Congress and the administration see climate change as a ..."
75. Global Warming Proven To Be A Hoax « Innocent Bystanders"Bystander discovers that Global Warming Proven To Be A Hoax! (Hat tip to Ace for both of […] 22. Tristen Squirter - April 7, 2007 ..."
76. Blogs »Blog Archive » Global Warming and the ..."It’ll go on, of course, but henceforth the anti-global warming voices will be heard much like the Apollo Moon-landing hoax devotees. ..."
77. KnoxNews: Perspectives"The global warming scare is, as John Stossel says, junk science and merely the latest anti-capitalism and anti-America leftist hoax. ..."
78. inconvenient truth myth global warming swindle hoax « inel,1406,KNS_2797_5553724,00.html"Every day visitors find me as a result of searching on some combination of these words:. inconvenient truth myth global warming swindle hoax ..."
79. Dire warming report too soft, scientists say - Los Angeles Times"A new global warming report issued Friday by the United Nations paints a near-apocalyptic vision of Earth's future: hundreds of millions of people short of ..."
80. Global warming: A hoax? S Gupta The Economic Times, 31 July 2001,0,6019103.story?coll=la-home-headlines"Global warming is a big hoax: so thought the President of the United States of. America. Unfortunately, he is wrong. He assembled resource experts on the ..."
81. The Body Politic: The Global Warming Hoax"The Global Warming Hoax. There's been a bit of an argument over this in comments, so let's bring it to the surface and discuss openly. ..."
82. The Reality Hammer Blog"Tags : church of climate change, global warming hoax, junk science .... Speaking of the global warming hoax and fifth graders, a science teacher at my ..."
83. Steve Connor: Global warming is not some conspiratorial hoax ..."Steve Connor: Global warming is not some conspiratorial hoax."
84. FAQ On The Global Warming Hoax »"FAQ On The Global Warming Hoax. Humor – Why do 99.999999999999999999999% of the Earth's scientists believe in global warming? I dispute the premise. ..."
85. | Earthwatch - Is Global Warming a Hoax?"In January, the U.S. House of Representatives created a committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming. (Click here to go to the committee's homepage.) ..."
86. BBC - Radio 4 - Climate Wars"Here in the UK, the government's chief science adviser calls global warming a greater threat than international terrorism; but in the US a leading ..."
87. High Court Hears Global Warming Hoax by Jerome R. Corsi - HUMAN EVENTS"In writing “Black Gold Stranglehold: The Myth of Scarcity and the Politics of Oil,” co-author Craig Smith and I argued that global warming is largely a hoax ..."
88. BBC NEWS | World | Americas | Evangelicals split on global warming""It's a hoax, certainly," he says. "I think global warming is being used like many political issues to try to move the world from nationalism to ..."
89. RealClimate » Gray and Muddy Thinking about Global Warming"Gray's paper begins with a quote from Senator Inhofe calling global warming a hoax perpetrated on the American people, and ends with a quote by a ..."
90. The Global Warming Hoax -- 01/16/2000"In the January 4, 2000 "Virtual Climate Alert" on the site, it takes note of the worst propagandist for the global warming hoax, a so-called science ..."
91. Global Warming Hoax: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati"Everything in the known universe about Global Warming Hoax. Featured; Posts · Blogs · Videos · Photos · Music · Events ..."
92. global warming hoax: Blogs, Photos, Videos and more on Technorati"Everything in the known universe about global warming hoax ... Global warming hoax delusion. No one has claimed this blog ..."
93. Global warming hysteria misplaced |"GLOBAL warming fear-mongering is so shameless and grotesque that sane people ... dreamed up this hoax, a blogger posing as Russian scientist "Sorcha Faal". ..."
94. An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change-News-UK ...,23599,21698850-5007146,00.html"If we learn to have a softer impact on the planet and its resources, and global warming proves a hoax, there is nothing lost. Nils, Santa Barbara, CA ..."
95. Global Warming Hoax: Polar Bears Are Just Fine!"RUSH: One global warming sound bite of Sam Champion, who is the Good Morning America weatherman. He used to be the weatherman for WABC Channel 7 in New York ..."
96. Reason Magazine - How Hot Is It?"has called global warming a "hoax" perpetrated by extreme environmentalists. Of course, Inhofe is from a big oil-producing state and is derided by activists ..."
97. TalkBack: Global warming is a hoax a fraud and a scam | reader ..."Global warming is a hoax a fraud and a scam Orion Blastar -- Apr 6 2007, 8:16 PM PDT. Archetype of a Global Climate Change Opponent jpreno -- Apr 6 2007, ..."
98. Global warming issue gains 'traction' with new Congress -"James Inhofe, R-Okla., who once called global warming a "hoax." "There is more … traction on this issue beginning with this Congress," said Jim Owens of ..."
99. While Washington Slept: How Did the Virtual Certainty of Global ..."If global warming isn't halted, rising sea levels could submerge coastal cities by 2100. So how did this virtual certainty get labeled a "liberal hoax"? ..."
100. Family Research Council: Friday, June 1, 2007 "WU07C14""who said he, like many scientists, believed the dire global warming projections were a "hoax." On the House side, the former vice president was called a ..."